The municipally owned Talisman lands (see May 11 and July 30 updates) remain in municipal hands. The proposed Municipality of Grey Highlands sale of their two land parcels to Westway Capital remains in a “due diligence” period. The Beaver Valley community has been very active over the past few months, primarily in strong opposition to the proposed municipal sale.
Protecting Talisman Lands Association has filed an application in Ontario court to stop the municipal sale. Read all about it, including their court application itself. Press Release, November 4, 2021: Protecting Talisman Lands Association Files Legal Challenge to Sale of Public Lands by Municipality of Grey Highlands at Former Talisman Resort.
Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy, on August 20, 2021, submitted its own offer to purchase the municipal lands with a view to protecting them from any major development.
Earlier this month, South Grey News published an in-depth series of articles by John Butler that delves into the history of financial and other problems at the Talisman lands, the recommendations dating years back on how to proceed with community involvement, and a detailed accounting of the activities of the past year. Highly recommended!
The Niagara Escarpment Foundation continues its involvement in the Talisman lands issue, keeping in regular touch with Beaver Valley community groups and providing our input.